
Venturing into Futuristic housekeeping with the aid of Robotics

- Seed Stage

MVP Phase

We have 8 Rt-1 robots are actively deployed, supported by a team of 12 Skilled cleaners. Guided by 3 seasoned advisors in hospitality, business, and robotics. We’ve successfully completed 8,000 jobs, maintaining a strong retention rate.

- Series A Stage

Scaling Up Phase

Operating with 24 Rt-1 robots and a dedicated team of 36 housekeepers. Supported by two angel investors and advised by 3 seasoned experts. Established commercial partnerships for product design and critical robot Components. Expanded through acquisitions of two house cleaning businesses and one robotics startup. Employ a marketing team of 3, and five in robotics, with outsourced support for AI and Lidar mapping. Our software team consists of 8 members, achieving product-market fit. Successfully completed 22,000 jobs and Gained recognition at SxSw, with coverage in three news articles.

- Series B and Beyond

Shaping up to be a Bluechip

we've strategically optimized our operations. Our lean team of 18 housekeepers, supplemented by subcontractors, efficiently manages contract onboarding and produces training material. We've secured legal counsel through a retained law firm. Expanding our fleet to 72 Rt-1 robots, we're on the brink of launching our Rt-2 product, focusing on automated dishwashing. With over 1 million app downloads, our user interface design has garnered acclaim. Additionally, we've successfully closed a $150 million venture capital funding round, propelling us into an exciting new chapter of growth and innovation.